If you're worried about mastering, your kick sounds a little weak through my headphones. I love the vibe though!
If you're worried about mastering, your kick sounds a little weak through my headphones. I love the vibe though!
Very good, I love the melodies. But your low end is seriously lacking. Work on making your kick drum and bass louder. If it weren't for that, I would rate it five stars!
Very cool atmosphere! One thing though, did you do any compression or limiting? It sounds like a lot more volume could be squeezed out of this track if it was mastered better. I don't by any means consider myself an expert, but I know a thing or two about that stuff. PM me if you want any help!
When it comes to mixing and mastering I have almost no clue what I am doing. I still need to learn the basics. If you can teach them to me that would be great!
Zafrece has been teaching me but I dont want to bother him too much.
The best way to get a hold of me is skype.
I think it belongs in a different subgenre of electronic music section, but very cool track nevertheless.
Trance was the closest i could get to happy hardcore in my opinion... Sadly there is not many genres to choose from when uploading songs:(
Glad you liked it though. Cheers!
Solid track! My only complaint is that the note pattern of the main synth gets repetitive, I would make the notes become continuous around the climax for some contrast. Nice side chaining btw.
Thank you for your comment :p
The intro is especially beautiful, as well as the rest of the song.
DUDE what a tease. If you posted the complete song I would instantaneously rate it 5. This is really good.
Not bad at all! I agree with Shantom, there's definitely potential for this to be really good. Five stars if you make the bassline a bit less repetitive and arrange it into a full song!
I will try as soon as possible ! I'm a little busy with the university at the moment :S Thank you very much for the review ;)